1- Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Iran , m.mehtari109@gmail.com 2- Payam Noor University, MA of Educational Technology, Department of Educational Technology, Tehran Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran 3- Payame Noor University, Iran 4- Payame Noor University
Abstract: (5038 Views)
Abstract Introduction: The integration of information and communication technology in education plays an important role in facilitating and enhancing learning. Information and communication technology, especially educational simulation, can provide benefits for teachers and increase learning and enhance learning outcomes especially at elementary and high school levels. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of computer-based educational simulation on mental well-being and lifelong learning in students. Methods: This is an applied research and with quasi-experimental method of pre-test-post-test design with control group. The statistical population of this study are all the students of Second high school in Tehran In the academic year 2016-2017 that 60 of them (30 in the experimental group) and (30 in the control group) were selected as sample by available sampling method. The research tools consisted of Mental Well-Being of Keyes and Magyar-Moe and Life-Long Learning Wetzel and et al of Questionnaire. Results: The findings of the study showed that after controlling the effects of pre-test, in the mental well-being (P < 0.025, F = 106.02), and in the life-long learning (P < 0.025, F = 145.59), there was a significant difference between the two experimental and control groups and can be said that educational simulation has been effective in improving mental well-being and lifelong learning of students. After controlling the effects of pre-test, in emotional well-being (P = 0.016, F = 8.85), psychological well-being (P < 0.016, F = 86.79) and social well-being (P < 0.016), F = 84.16) and in the beliefs related to learning and motivation (P < 0.016, F = 76.34), the information search skill (P < 0.016, F = 36.60) and attention to individual competence With (P < 0.016, F = 52.38), There was a significant difference between the two experimental and control groups and can be said that educational simulation has also been effective in improving components of mental well-being and lifelong learning of students. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that computer-based educational simulation has an impact on mental well-being and lifelong learning in students and increases the mental well-being and lifelong learning of students.
mehtari arani M, rajabiyan dehzireh M, baghbani A, sotudeh arani H. The effect of computer-based educational simulation on mental well-being and lifelong learning in students. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2019; 11 (5) :1-13 URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-1652-en.html