Aims: Studying skills are one of the most important factors influencing academic achievement of students. The aim of this study was to investigate the studying skills in master students of medical sciences and its relationship with the method of exam preparation.
Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 122 sophomore master students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences were recruited via census sampling. Data collection tool was a studying skills questionnaire, containing demographic characteristics and 15 questions in three grades Likert scale in sub-skills of ‘time management’, ‘concentration’, ‘note-taking in class’, ‘reading ability’ and ‘attend the test’. Data were analyzed, using SPSS 18 software and Pearson correlation coefficient, independent T, one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests.
Results: The mean total score of students’ study skill was 20.25±4.60. The highest mean score belonged to the domain of note-taking (4.98±1.36), and the lowest belonged to the domain of time management (2.66±1.48). The superiority of girls’ scores than the boys’ in the sub- skills of note- taking (p=0.009) and reading ability (p=0.003) was significant. There was a relation between the total score of study skills and GPA of the students in the sub-skills of note- taking (p=0.006) and concentration (p=0.018). No significant relationship was observed between the total score of study skill with marital status and age of the students.
Conclusion: 59% of the students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences have weak and average studying skills. The highest weakness is in time management, and the highest ability is in note-taking.
Dehghani GH.A., Soltanalgharaei Kh.. Relationship of Study Skills and Exam Preparation Method in Master Students. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2014; 7 (1) :51-56 URL: