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:: Volume 15, Issue 5 (12-2022) ::
Educ Strategy Med Sci 2022, 15(5): 435-446 Back to browse issues page
The position of the desired internal change in the upstream documents of the educational system of Iran
SOMAYYEH PAPI1 , Sayyed jalal HASHEMI2 , PARVANEH VALAVI1 , Masoud Safaei moghaddam1
1- shahid chamran university
2- shahid chamran university , sayyedjalalhashemi9@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1359 Views)

. The purpose of this study is to investigate the position of the desired internal chang  (change in beliefs, feelings and desires) in the upstream documents of the educational system of Iran.
Method: In this study, Shannon entropy method is employed to provide a descriptive content analysis. The high level documents of the education system and its statistical samples including the documents of fundamental change and the document of the national curriculum were considered. The research tool was a checklist consisting of 37 sub-components involved in three main components as the triple acts of the desired internal change. Content validity of this checklist was approved by seven professors of educational sciences.
Results: In upstream documents A total of 1168 times Attention has been paid to the 3 dimensions of the desired inner change in man, which is the most coefficient of importance (wj) belonged to the dimension of the desired internal change tendency with a coefficient of (0.341) And then there is The epistemological dimension with a coefficient of importance  (0.334) and  the voluntary dimension with a coefficient of importance (0.325).  Also, the amount of information load (Ej) in3dimensions, respectively is related to the tendency dimension (1.257), the epistemological dimension (1.230) and the voluntary dimension (1.149).
Conclusion: The authors of education documents, in regulating the content of the mentioned documents, have paid more attention to the orientation dimension than the Epistemological Dimension and the Voluntary Dimension; Because no change takes place until the person is emotionally aroused, and the realization of other dimensions is difficult.
Keywords: Upstream documents, Change Beliefs, Change Whishes, Change Emotions, Optimal internal change.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Other Fields
Received: 2021/03/15 | Accepted: 2021/11/17 | Published: 2022/12/1
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PAPI S, HASHEMI S J, VALAVI P, safaei moghaddam M. The position of the desired internal change in the upstream documents of the educational system of Iran. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2022; 15 (5) :435-446
URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-2828-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 5 (12-2022) Back to browse issues page
دوماهنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی Education Strategies in Medical Sciences
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