1- Islamic Azad University , j.yari@iaut.ac.ir 2- Tabriz university 3- Islamic Azad University
Abstract: (845 Views)
Introduction: For evaluating the quality of e-curriculum in order to improve and having efficiency in e-learning a suitable and valid model is very important, which is the purpose of this study.
Methods: The present study is classified as qualitative research in terms of data collection method. The research population is all of specialists, professors and experts active in the field of e-learning in higher education in the country, twenty of whom have been selected by targeted sampling to achieve data saturation. Semi-structured interview method has been used to collect data. First, the documents and texts related to the research topic are studied, Then, according to the obtained factors, an interview was conducted. To analyze the data and determine the factors, the coding method with MAXQDA2020 software has been used.
Results: First, the documents and texts related to the research topic are studied, by using the deductive method and 4 main factors are: managerial organizational, pedagogical, technology, evaluation factors for the quality evaluation model of the electronic curriculum. Then, according to the obtained factors, an interview was conducted. To analyze the data and determine the factors, the coding method with MAXQDA2020 software has been used and 8 main factors have been obtained, which are evaluation, pedagogical, organizational, individual, technological and electronic, environmental (extra-organizational, Political, cultural), learning and moral factors.
Conclusions: Studies confirm that the use of evaluation, pedagogical, organizational and managerial, individual, technological and electronic, environmental (extra-organizational, political, cultural), learning moral factors, in designing an appropriate model for evaluating the quality of e-curriculum are necessary. Keywords: Electronic curriculum, e-curriculum quality, e-curriculum quality evaluation.
Yari Haj Ataloo J, Adib Y, Daneshvar Z, Ohani zonuoz V. Accreditation of the quality assessment model of electronic curriculum in higher education of the country. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2023; 16 (4) :400-411 URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-2863-en.html