Aims: Identifying the influencing factors on educational performance has specific importance. According to controversies about the role of effective factors, this study was carried out in order to assess the predictors of academic performance in nursing alumni of Kashan University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: In this cross sectional study, all 482 nursing alumni of Kashan University of Medical Sciences from 1986 to the end of 2003 were selected via census method. The questionnaire including demographic data, admission criteria, educational background and academic performance status was used. Data were analyzed using independent T-test and stepwise multivariate linear regression.
Results: Female gender, using of areas quota, lower age and higher high school grade point average (HGPA) had the positive effect on academic performance (p<0.0001). According to regression analysis, 1.27% of the observed variance in the status of academic performance was determined by 4 variables including HGPA, gender, transfer from other universities and quota type (F=38.72 p<0.0001) HGPA explained 22.4% of the total variance alone.
Conclusion: With regard to the predictor role of educational background, admission criteria and demographic data in academic performance it’s essential the authorities plan and proceed to improve academic performance of nursing alumni.
Tagharrobi Z., Fakharian E., Mirhosseini F. S., Rasoulinejad S. A., Akbari H., Ameli H.. Predictors of academic performance in nursing alumni of Kashan University of Medical Sciences. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2010; 3 (3) :127-131 URL: