:: Volume 10, Issue 6 (January-February 2017) ::
Educ Strategy Med Sci 2017, 10(6): 423-430 Back to browse issues page
Construction and Validation the Iranian Scale of Lifelong Learning Approach Measuring Among Medical Students
Majid Yousefi Afrashte
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities science, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran , mjduosefi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (6755 Views)

Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to construct and validate the scale to assess Iranian approach to lifelong learning in medical students.
Methods: This study is descriptive (non-experimental) in terms of data collection methods and research and development in terms of purpose. In item analysis, Pearson correlation and confirmatory factor analysis method was used. The Primary instrument was developed based on conceptual analysis and similar instruments. The study population included undergraduate students of Iran and Tehran Universities’ of Medical Sciences and who were enrolled in the academic year 2016-2017 and by using clustering sampling methods a sample of 350 of them were selected.
Results: Content validity of the test was confirmed by the experts of educational psychology. The results of scare plot and parallel analysis discovered three factors as infrastructure factors. Confirmatory factor analysis also showed good fit with the three-factor model. The negative significant correlation (-0.51) of test scores were confirmed by external motivation of learning and positive significant correlation (0.54) were confirmed by intrinsic motivation of learning. The reliability of the whole test was obtained 0.73 by using Cronbach's alpha method and its reliability coefficient was obtained 0.89 with re-test method.
Conclusion: As a result of validating analysis, three underlying factors (with 14 items) were established as constituent components of lifelong learning approach: Goal setting (6 items), self-directing and self-assessment (5 items) and using the knowledge (3 items). This scale can be used in different studies to determine relationships and its prediction.

Keywords: learning, lifelong learning, medical education
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Curriculum Design in Medical Science
Received: 2017/03/24 | Accepted: 2017/06/3 | Published: 2017/10/31
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