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:: Volume 11, Issue 4 (September-October 2018) ::
Educ Strategy Med Sci 2018, 11(4): 1-8 Back to browse issues page
The Relationship between Social Intelligence and the Post-graduate Students' Perceptions of the Classroom Structure and the Intermediate role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Faramarz Mohammdipouya 1, Sajad Gharloghi2 , Sohrab Mohammdipouya3 , Sahar Gharib -Tazareh4
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Science, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran , muhammadipouya@yahoo.com
2- PhD Student, Department of Educational Administration, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3- PhD Student of Curriculum Development, University of Tabriz, Faculty member of Hekmat Policy Research and Strategic Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran
4- MSc, Group Practices and Training Programs, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (5777 Views)
Introduction: According to the country's development in the way students role-playing, As well as the role of socio-cognitive characteristics in the process of teaching and learning, the purpose of the present study reviews the relationship between perceived social intelligence by graduate students of the class structure, with the role of the mediator to self-efficacy beliefs.
Methods: The method of present study is descriptive – solidarity and specifically based on structural equation modeling. The research population includes all dormitory students of Tehran University in graduate school. Research tool is social intelligence, self-efficacy and perception beliefs formed the class structure questionnaires.
Results: The findings of the study indicate significant positive relationship with self-efficacy beliefs and social intelligence (r = 0.43) and the perception of the structure of the classroom (r = 0.58), as well as the perception of self-efficacy beliefs and classroom structure (r = 0.37), (P < 0.01). The results of the direct path of standardized coefficients indicated that social intelligence and self-efficacy beliefs of 0.84, 0.52 changes the perception of the classroom structure defining the beliefs of self-efficacy and perceived changes of 0.29 Classroom explaining the structure of the students.
Conclusions: Since the results are meaningful relationships and the role of defining perception changes of the class structure by social intelligence and self-efficacy beliefs, holding workshops and courses on self-efficacy beliefs of students and social intelligence to boost their perception of the classroom structure and progress educational system, teaching- learning offer.
Keywords: Social intelligence, Self-efficacy beliefs, the perception of class structure, Post-graduate Students
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Curriculum Design in Medical Science
Received: 2018/01/15 | Accepted: 2018/06/14 | Published: 2018/10/6
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Mohammdipouya F, Gharloghi S, Mohammdipouya S, Gharib -Tazareh S. The Relationship between Social Intelligence and the Post-graduate Students' Perceptions of the Classroom Structure and the Intermediate role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2018; 11 (4) :1-8
URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-1460-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 4 (September-October 2018) Back to browse issues page
دوماهنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی Education Strategies in Medical Sciences
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