1- Payeme Noor University , S.mazloumian@Gmail.com 2- Payeme Noor University
Abstract: (1590 Views)
Introduction: Academic enthusiasm is one of the important indicators of academic quality. The recognition of teachable factors associated with that in medical sciences is of high importance due to their strong link with clinical practice and ensuring community health, therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic enthusiasm with regard to the mediating role of goal orientation among students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: The purpose of this research was applied and in terms of collecting data, a descriptive correlation was used. The statistical population consisted of students of the Nursing and Midwifery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in the 1396-1397 academic year. The Sampling method was stratified random. Using Morgan table, the sample size was 260 people. For data collection, the Pintrich and Digroot Learning Strategies Questionnaire (1990), Buffard et al.chr('39')s Goal Orientation Questionnaire (1998), and Fredericks & Blumenfeld Academic Enthusiasm Questionnaire (2004) were used. In this study Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient was used to ensure the reliability of the subscales. Results: The results showed that the fit of academic enthusiasm model in the present study is at a relatively desirable level. In this study, the components of learning strategies (cognitive and metacognitive strategies-resource management) have an indirect and significant effect on academic enthusiasm through mediation goal orientation (mastery, performance and avoidance of failure). Among the components of goal orientation, mastery goals showed the most direct effect on academic enthusiasm and among the dimensions of learning strategies, cognitive strategy has the most indirect effect on academic enthusiasm Conclusions: Learning strategies with goal orientation mediation are important factors in improving and increasing studentschr('39') academic eagerness. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the factors of learning strategies and goal orientation in order to push and increase studentschr('39') academic eagerness.
mazloumian S, ebrahimi H. Investigating the relationship between learning strategies and students' academic enthusiasm with the mediating role of goal orientation In Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2023; 15 (6) :580-591 URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-2250-en.html