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:: Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2013) ::
Educ Strategy Med Sci 2013, 6(3): 129-134 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of nurses learning level by multimedia and web-based methods in teaching nursing care of chemical accidents
Khoshsima S. , Salari M.M.1 , Tadrisi S.D. , Daneshmandi M. , Mahdizade S.
1- “Chemical Trauma Research Center” & “Health of Society Nursing Department, Nursing Faculty”, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , mmsalaree@gmail.com
Abstract:   (14762 Views)

 Aims: It is a question that among all different types of electronic learning which one will be more effective in modern education. The aim of this study was to compare the learning level of nurses by multimedia software and web based methods in teaching nurses care in chemical accidents in one of the Tehran city armed forces hospitals.

 Methods: This quasi-experimental two-grouped study was performed in 2012 in nurses of one of the armed force hospitals of Tehran city. And 66 nurses were selected purposively and were randomly divided into multimedia software and web based groups. Education content, level of education evaluation questionnaire with 35 quadruple questions and 8 Objective Structural clinical examination (OSCE) stations for evaluating practical skills of two groups’ members were designed by the researcher. One group was trained by multimedia and one group received education under web. After collecting, data was analyzed by SPSS 16 software and paired and independent T tests.

 Results: The difference of pretests scores was not significant between two groups. The score of posttest 1 were increased in both groups but there were a little drop in posttest 2 scores in both groups. The average scores’ differences were non-significant between two groups in stations 1, 2 and 4 but significant in stations 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

 Conclusion: Multimedia and web based learning methods have the same effect on learning levels of nurses.

Keywords: Nursing Cares, Chemical Accidents, Multimedia, Website, Distance Learning
Full-Text [PDF 465 kb]   (3393 Downloads)    
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Theories of Learning and Teaching in Medical Sciences
Received: 2013/02/23 | Accepted: 2013/09/8 | Published: 2013/09/8
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Khoshsima S., Salari M.M., Tadrisi S.D., Daneshmandi M., Mahdizade S.. Comparison of nurses learning level by multimedia and web-based methods in teaching nursing care of chemical accidents. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2013; 6 (3) :129-134
URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-394-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2013) Back to browse issues page
دوماهنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی Education Strategies in Medical Sciences
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