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:: Volume 9, Issue 3 (July-August 2016) ::
Educ Strategy Med Sci 2016, 9(3): 214-223 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Quality of Assessment System of Students’ Performance in Virtual Education in Iran and Russia
Seyed Amin Azimi 1, Bibi Eshrat Zamani2 , Nasim Soleimani3
1- Department of methodology of training and education, Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia , azimi7@gmail.com
2- Department of educational Sciences educational technology, University of Isfahan, Iran
3- Department of education, Institute of Psychology and education, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Abstract:   (6835 Views)

Background and Aims: investigating the quality of assessment of students’ performance in virtual education from the viewpoint of students in Iran and Russia.

Methods: The population of the study was virtual universities students of Iran and Russia, among them, 221 students have participated in the study. To achieve this aim, a researcher was used questionnaire with 0.97 reliability. Results showed that there was a significant difference at the 0.05 level of the quality of assessment system of students’ performance in the virtual education of Iran and Russia.

Results: There are significant differences in assessment quality of students’ performance in the virtual education of Iran and Russia at the level 05/0. Results indicated that three factors of "providing sufficient information about the final exam conditions, the type of scoring, time and place of exam", "diversity in methods of assessing and supervising the work of the students" and "offering regular feedback to the learner with the aim of solving the learning problems " were considered for assessment quality by Iranian students. In addition, Russian students selected three factors such as "fight against fraud and plagiarism, the quality of pre-test to assess students’ pre-knowledge and consistent of evaluation methods with educational content " for assessment quality.

Conclusions: In comparing assessment system of Iran by Russia', there has been less attention to the plagiarism, pre-testing and conformity of assessment procedures with educational content. Using the approach of Russia in this field could have a significant effect on the assessment quality of Iran.  

Keywords: Quality, Performance assessment, Virtual Education, Iran, Russia
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Article Type: Descriptive & Survey | Subject: Theories of Learning and Teaching in Medical Sciences
Received: 2016/08/5 | Accepted: 2016/10/9 | Published: 2017/01/21
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Azimi S A, Zamani B E, Soleimani N. Investigating the Quality of Assessment System of Students’ Performance in Virtual Education in Iran and Russia. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2016; 9 (3) :214-223
URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-1037-en.html

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دوماهنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی Education Strategies in Medical Sciences
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