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:: Volume 14, Issue 6 (1-2022) ::
Educ Strategy Med Sci 2022, 14(6): 395-404 Back to browse issues page
The Effectiveness of the experienced curriculum in developing of students’ cultural competency in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Maryam Shafiei Sarvestani Maryam Shafiei Sarvestani 1, Mehdi Mohammadi Mehdi Mohammadi2 , Elham Jahani Elham Jahani2
1- دانشگاه شیراز , maryam.shafiei@gmail.com
2- دانشگاه شیراز
Abstract:   (1733 Views)
Context and goals: cultural competence is considered as the main and basic component of professionalism and has unique and special place in the medical sciences due to the cultural diversity of its clients. The goal of this research was surveying of the effectiveness of the experienced curriculum in developing of students’ cultural competency in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
 MethodsThe research method used was descriptive - correlational. The population of this research consisted of all students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Among them, 366 participants were selected by stratified random sampling method based on the faculty. The research tools consisted of the experienced curriculum effectiveness questionnaire of Mohammadi and Moltaji (1391) and a researcher-made cultural competency questionnaire, which used after evaluating the validity and reliability.
Findings: 1- The quality of the curriculum experienced is above Mean and is below the optimal level. 2- Cultural competency in the three dimensions of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, and cultural skill is higher than the Mean and the cultural encounters dimension is below the Mean criterion and all dimensions of cultural competency are lower than the desired level. 3- There is a significant relationship between experienced curriculum and cultural competency (awareness, knowledge, skill). 4- Elements of experienced curriculum (content, duty, quality and goals) are significant and evaluation is non-significant predictor for cultural competency.
 Result: According to the results, it would be possible to create a situation for students to achieve the highest level of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge and cultural skill with designing a high quality curriculum in any dimension and items and improving students’ cultural exposure performance by providing appropriate and group assignments.
Keywords: Cultural, Cultural Competency, Skill, Curriculum
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Curriculum Design in Medical Science
Received: 2019/12/2 | Accepted: 2020/06/8 | Published: 2022/01/30
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Maryam Shafiei Sarvestani M S S, mehdi Mohammadi M M, Elham Jahani E J. The Effectiveness of the experienced curriculum in developing of students’ cultural competency in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Educ Strategy Med Sci 2022; 14 (6) :395-404
URL: http://edcbmj.ir/article-1-2431-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 6 (1-2022) Back to browse issues page
دوماهنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی Education Strategies in Medical Sciences
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